
Showing posts from June 26, 2016

haus of jin | The story | part 2

as some of you know haus of jin is a brand that I am currently developing and I would like to develop a products in a mere futuree but this ideas are really something I Invested ,research my own time as I am passionate about creating my own  company and where the inspiration comes from.... The art of modern minimalist The Haus of Jin was formed in 2014, from a simple story which has beginning the idea which was formed during his university period. Shaun lim jin song ( his full name )has always intrigued by many things from fashion , technology , watches ,jewelry art and even furniture . he always love making new ideas and tend to share his wild random ideas to his closed friends and asking why? how can it be improve? what are the function? which make him a very curious boy and seems to be all over the place…his first job was as junior style consultant....which puzzled him as he has no fashion education and it was just something he always passionate a...

luxury Branding

Why do we need to use branding? Products or services can be made attractive in multiple ways- branding is the most important. Good design, effective marketing, and inventive public relations campaigns can propel an average concept into the range of premium pricing. But how do you take a premium product and make it so attractive in the long term that people are willing to pay insane amounts of money for it? The answer is luxury branding. What can branding do for a luxury product or service? Even when service, quality, and design are in place, correct luxury branding adds true magic to the whole offering. It gives it’s product or service range character, uniqueness, and long-term connection . Without it, an aura of luxury lifestyle consumption can never be established with enough credibility to make it sell . To express it simply, it makes the o ffering more valuable in the eyes of the consumer . It removes limits on price and can drive up margins to never seen heights. What ar...

As the clock tick 23:23

We all are human....we make mistake ...we become stronger and at times we become 'lost' human tend to be ignorant when it comes to pride and ego ...including me... we always forgave our self and we forget that we are not perfect and it is ok.... no relationship is perfect but no one should be denied or played around when it comes to love let me tell u this what makes relationship strong is what you both gone through and you both willing to fix that problem and for every obstacle you both overcome will strengthen your love and relationship  people who tend to say relationship is like the fairy tale story...i will say bullshit or you are just denying the facts we will all face certain obstacle ....what doesn't kill you make you stronger  we all need to accept your other half imperfection ,his flaws and his lowest time...that is true love.... so what is the number 2323 .....on the 24 june 2016 we were in our last verge of breaking up .......