can you fix a broken glass...

sometime everything happen for a reason....
whether is in your favour or really decided by your fate ...
can our action prevent our fate that has been planned all along....
is it fair....
our life consist of good and bad ...
what we can do is we learn from that experience and become stronger...
or do we falter from it.....and blame everything bad has happen only to you....
everyone will always have their moment of victory and our loss....
our life is a constant test....I believe in afterlife if you do good deeds you will resurrect into a good family ...

never forget 22 December 2015.....

I love him....and I know for sure....after the incident....i still forgave him.....and i cherish our relationship ....

am I an idiot....
will he do it again....
can i move on....
but if you dont try how you know....
All I know i did my best in this relationship and I give it all ....
and now I fall so hard....
the feeling is unexplainable.....
is worse when i fracture my hand....
is worse when i fall from the stairs and my head bleed ....
injuries can recover could take medication to stop the pain...
but what can heal a broken heart....
if a glass crack and you try fixing it will still see the crack....and it will never be the same again

"I love you so much and what holding me from breaking my love...."

he may hurt me many time but I still forgave him...
maybe I belive that people can do  change....I left with this glimpse of hope....he be a better person and proof to me that he cherish me.....
this is really my last chance and hope....

a broken mirror will never be the same again...
if you fix it .... the crack will always be there....
is it good as new....
but if our relationship is like that cracked mirror that has been broken and fixed...
we learn to see the crack in different perspective ....
the crack can be a reminder....
a beauty art....
like a soldier who have a battle scar who is proud of it....
a cancer patient who survive cancer and lost all the hair and maybe some parts...
but become stronger ....
there is no perfect relationship
is what you go through as a couple....
is how you overcome the difficulties and help each other to be a better person ...
that is always want the best for your other half....

we hold hands .....we fall.....we help each to stand....we go on the journey
not knowing what the future holds....
but as long i am with you....It does not  matter....
as long you are by my side and you feel the same....
will you hold my hand ?


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