it is undeniable that in our current era ....technology have advance which has always been a debate whether it is a pro or cons ? to me technology can be useful with proper self control and knowing the right time to use it .....sadly in fact .....technology have taken over the mind of most people as they become more over dependant and human become more complacent....
when social network are suppose to make us more connected....we lost the basic human conversation that our fore father has established...when people become so obsessed to "like" as insecurity grows.....when you really ask whether all this friends in your facebook ....is really true friend or you may be the next target.....fooled by images that may interpreted as 'perfect' ....
when your memories are shared and followed by stranger....
when you are tempted by lush and seduction by people even though you are attach...
yet again ....
maybe with all this negativity it may be a blessing in disguise....
finding a soulmate can be difficult when u are living in one country and somehow i feel that i dont belong in singapore
but what i understand i have chatted and met different life from other parts of the world and
i realize my ideal man are in the opposite side of the world
maybe who knows our fate will be met since im not so high profile in the gay society...
as i still believe my true soulmate will take me away and we will run away together from this mad world......and live in each other world....
one day.....