are you introvert or extrovert? remember the quiz they always ask or how sometime we questioned our self. The answer is we are neither , we are called ambivent.
6. Being good at small talk and intellectual conversations.Sometimes the loud and outspoken person will have trouble communicating with the meek buddy in the group. However, because an ambivert understands what these two people want, he or she can help them find a middle ground. Say the extrovert won’t stop chit chattin’, but the introvert is burnt out. The ambivert might deepen the conversation, so that the introvert finds it more interesting. Ambiverts are well-attuned to both extroverted and introverted energy, and even knows how to level the energies out.
An “ambivert” is someone who has traits of both an extrovert and an introvert. Susan Cain, the Author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking, claims she thinks ambiverts have the best of both worlds. I have to say: she’s right. Not that ambiverts are trying to claim a title that’s “better.” It’s just that there are many advantages to being smack dab in the middle.
I guess working in my job does perceive as being extrovert personality but honestly it requires me use up almost all my energy when I am in the events( i enjoy it ...) but I love my quiet time too . reading, listening music and my own personal time. I remember when you have that activity that required you to describe a person .I was described I am well balance which makes me very easy to get along with and I am simple .direct and firm too if is required .I understand now
here are the traits of being ambivent
1. Being well suited for creative jobs.
In today’s world no fashion designer, photographer, or art director works alone. A great deal of collaboration is expected of people in such creative fields. Being extroverted enough to take part in hectic photo shoots will be necessary in order to produce great pictures; however, it’s tough to have unique ideas unless one also has those streaks of introversion. There’s nothing like a solitary walk through the city to trigger ideas.
2. Actually being productive, yet fun when doing “group projects.”
We’ve all had to do our fair share o group projects, but rarely have we ever been paired with people who were valuable and charismatic. To have an ambivert as a group member is to have someone who can lead a group conversation about the direction of the project, and maybe even write the accompanying essay him or herself. They’ll acknowledge when someone has a better idea, and concede to that. Yet when everyone else fails, they’ll be there to lead the way.
3. Being fun in social settings, and still loving your “me time.”
Ambiverts can go to parties and gain energy from those around them. As an extrovert, they have the capacity to be talkative and act as a host. Yet because they aren’t entirely extroverted, they do tend to get tired. But even when they’re alone, their extroverted side allows them to be the life of their own party. They’ll happily come home just to put on comfy clothes, lay down and write or watch Netflix.
4. Not minding interruptions, but being okay with cancelled plans.
Decide to make spur of the moment plans? The ambivert is there. They’ll go to the beach when their more extroverted friend asks them to, even though they were planning on a relaxing day spent at home. But if their friend cancels on some shopping road trip, they are fine with finding a solitary activity to do instead.
5. Being able to balance the energy of the room.
6. Being good at small talk and intellectual conversations.Sometimes the loud and outspoken person will have trouble communicating with the meek buddy in the group. However, because an ambivert understands what these two people want, he or she can help them find a middle ground. Say the extrovert won’t stop chit chattin’, but the introvert is burnt out. The ambivert might deepen the conversation, so that the introvert finds it more interesting. Ambiverts are well-attuned to both extroverted and introverted energy, and even knows how to level the energies out.
Ambiverts can talk about the weather and the last wine they drank. They can also sit for hours and talk about a topic like global warming. They find both types of vocal activity to be a necessity of mankind. It’s hard to have a relationship with anyone without meeting the person first and small talk is great for that. However to maintain a relationship, two people need substance. A couple shouldn’t just decide to adopt a kitten based on how cute it is; they should decide based on a lengthy discussion they had on the importance of owning a pet.
7. Being highly valued by religious and political organizations.
One cannot be religious without the ability to regularly pray silently to themselves. One also cannot be religious without involving him or herself in the church’s or temple’s community. Religious life involves reading scripture and means acting towards beliefs. A Jewish leader will admire that temple member who understands Jewish beliefs in an active way. The same concept applies for politicians. Look at Barack Obama; he loves solitude, but his words strongly impact others when giving the State of The Union address each year.
8. Having an active social life, and a rich inner life.
Some people get so involved in their social lives, that when they are on their own they feel quite lonely. On the flip side: people who are always by themselves feel out of place in social settings. With ambiverts, again, they sort of have the best of both worlds. When they go out, they’re happy to see everyone, really bringing their presence. Yet they cherish being at home alone or with a few friends all the same.
9. Shopping in any circumstance is okay.
Everyone has a different shopping preference. Some people always need to go with a buddy, while other refuse to go into crowded stores. Ambiverts will shop whenever: for groceries, makeup or cleaning supplies and without waiting for someone to come along. However they’ll equally enjoy having a shopping buddy on a trip to Forever 21.
10. Speaking publicly can be enjoyable.
A lot of introvert tests online ask, “Would you rather talk in front of strangers or go party with them?” The truth is, with ambiverts, they know how to focus enough to give a talk in front of lots of people, yet can then go and chat with the crowd when offstage. The beauty of this is the impact it has on others, and the ability to then walk away with new contacts for later.
11. Both loud environments and white walls are fine with you.
With music festivals, for instance, extroverts love them, while introverts typically get overwhelmed, even if they truly love the music. As the perfect mix of extroversion and introversion, ambiverts really enjoy concerts. They love the band, and are okay in the company of strangers who came to experience the pleasures of, say, Bonnaroo. Although they are looking forward to that quiet day at home. 
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