Haus of Jin ( Part 2)
in part 2 we try to understand what does haus of jin value / mission , but in order to understand the company values. we need to understand the meaning " confucianism ' as the values are greatly influenced and offered a better depth explanation .
Confucius placed strong emphasis on the importance of rites for the individual who wishes to live the good life. He maintains that "benevolence (仁, rén) is constituted by returning to the observance of the rites through overcoming of the self" (Analects 12:1, Lau: 112). [...] Confucius holds that these rites have an ethical dimension [...] But in order to live as one should, it is not enough to follow or perform these rites—rather these rites should be lived out. Confucius holds that, when one sacrifices to the gods, one must sacrifice as if the gods are present (Analects 3:12, Lau: 69). It is not enough to perform the sacrifice, one must take part in it.»[28]

Confucian ethics are described as humanistic.[5] This ethical philosophy can be practiced by all the members of a society.[30] Confucian ethics is characterized by the promotion of virtues, encompassed by the Five Constants, or the wǔ cháng (五常), extrapolated by Confucian scholars during the Han Dynasty.[31] The Five Constants are:[31]
Rén (仁, benevolence, humaneness);Yì (義/义, righteousness or justice);
Lǐ (禮/礼, proper rite);
Zhì (智, knowledge);
Xìn (信, integrity).
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- Haus of Jin believe the people who collobrate with the haus has the basic 5 values who are knowledgable in that field of industry or passionate, the employee is always learning
Loyal - to never forget where you come from
we believe in equality whether you are man / woman/ race or sexuality or even alien
in every works we produce haus of jin promise that the product/ service are in the utmost excellence and we value each customer / client .